An assemblage
by Sophie Paul/ @theunofficialsoupdragon
& Juliette Pénélope Pépin/ @jppg92

Reactor knockoff
"Rebooting the reactor will remove all parts, regular upgrades and money. Only your current experimental upgrades and EP will stay with you. She thought to herself."

Assembled during their online residency with Residency 11:11/ @residency1111 in the summer 2024. This website is the sister of a print out displaying the exact same content yet from another angle.

Women in tailored business suits, cigarettes between fingers, drinks in hands, mill outside a NatWest building. This is where I’m going. As one of my feet scrapes against one of theirs, It just pops into my head that these women are here because they’re waiting for me. I have somewhere I can go - that’s a new thought for me. I never had anywhere to go before.

Out toward the sea.

Belleville.png last accessed on google maps 12/08/2024 18:01
Natwest.png first accessed on wiki commons 29/08/2024 16:30
You can click->path and scroll over images to see layers of content.
The nuclear is not merely a term but an event that overflows (déborde) its linguistic confines, exceeding representation, demanding a continuous re-evaluation of our visual and conceptual apparatuses.

Débordement (50894140751).jpg
speculation was a way to avoid seeing (by) over looking.